Pressure. It’s self-imposed. Prove me wrong.

We think that people or circumstances cause our pressure and I disagree.


It’s what we think about these situations that creates pressure. 


 “What will they think of me if I don’t get it right or get it perfect?” 

 “Everyone’s watching me! I have so much pressure on me to succeed.” 

"I have so much to do and not enough time to do it!"

"They're putting so much pressure on me to get it done yesterday!"

Thinking these types of thoughts will understandably create pressure because we all feel our thinking. 


Before I knew how to manage my mind I would blame people or circumstances for making me feel pressured. 


I gave so much power away!


Now? I take responsibility for how I choose to move through circumstances and interactions with people. 


By taking my power back I get to move through any circumstance feeling more confident, grounded, and fully present (even when others are losing their shit!) because I choose to think useful and productive thoughts (and take corresponding actions) on purpose that don’t envelop me in stress, pressure, or worry.


And you know what? I’m still human. I still have hang-ups that can put me close to the self-imposed pressure ledge but now I have the tools that allow me to recognize how close to the ledge I am and I get to choose on purpose how long I want to teeter there.  


Reach out to me if you would like to have a deeper conversation about pressure and what you have the power to do about it.

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