What MLK wants for you (I think!?) Your thoughts?

Researchers say that January 17th is the day the well-intentioned habit changes that we really want for ourselves in the new year take a serious nose dive. 

And this year the fall-off day is also MLK's birthday. 

Martin Luther King, JR.'s passion was for US to find our passion to speak up and out and to encourage positive change in our society. 

But it's like the oxygen mask analogy -- we're most effective in helping others when we first help ourselves. Not sure, but I think MLK would back me up on this ;) 

Do you ever say that you want to eat better? Quit smoking? Drink less? Stick with an exercise routine? Get the guts to leave a job (or a relationship)? Make more money? Get out of the rat race? 

So you start off gung-ho until your mind goes into overdrive with all sorts of excuses and justifications that end up wearing you down to the point of stalling out? 

You're not alone! This is so common!

We were never taught how to manage our minds and because we quit on ourselves and our own passions, we've effectively eroded our self-trust to the point where we silently suffer in our own lives.

When you're showing up daily as your best self and you can trust yourself to stick with and follow-through on the habits you know are important to you,  you free up so much of your time and energy for social justice. You effectively create a ripple for positive change in your family, community, and beyond! 

What habit matters to you in your daily life that you've gone silent about? 

You, my lovely, have all of the power to live it!

You living out loud in your best life is the number one way you'll create the positive impact you want for those you love and beyond :) 

Create the kind of day that makes you proud of yourself! 

Big hug and much love!

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