Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Stop Managing Stress During COVID. THIS is what works.

Google search ‘how to manage stress during COVID’ and you get the typical answers —

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Eat energy-producing foods

  • Yoga and meditation

  • Be active and get outside

  • Limit alcohol, tobacco, and other ‘numbing’ habits


You knew this stuff was good for managing stress before COVID.

There are plenty of people who have a great handle on these stress management and well-being tools and there are people who don’t. 

What can they still have in common? 


Having stress management tools are great. I’m all for it. But what happens after you leave the yoga class? When you digest your healthy vegan sandwich? Or the high you got from your 3,000 feet elevation gain hike has worn off? 

Or hell, what can happen in the middle of actually doing these things? 


Stressful thinking to be exact. You know…

Thinking about everything you have to do and how you’re going to get it done.

Thinking about the difficult conversation you’ve put off having with your co-worker for months.

Thinking about this damn Pandemic.

Thinking about what people are thinking about you, if you’re doing a good enough job, or why you’re not further ahead like everyone else.

Why? Because stress starts in your mind with your thoughts. 

Stressful thoughts lead to you feeling stressed and this leads to you experiencing physiological ‘stress’ responses in your body. You, me, and every one operates this way. It’s universal.

And where’s this lead? To more stress and more trying hard to practice stress management and well-being tools. 

Ahhhhh! Isn’t this the definition of insanity? 

So what really works? Learning how to manage your mind, not stress.

Managing your mind guarantees you live life with:

More joy.

More inner-peace and confidence.

More productivity. 

Thinking on purpose and learning how to have more useful, productive, and action-oriented thoughts keep you moving forward in any situation. Yes, even during a pandemic.

Would you like to experience what it’s like to manage your mind so you can stop managing stress?

I’m giving away 30-minute experiences through the month of May. No strings. Just a genuine give to people who are curious and open to new ways of seeing their thoughts and moving through their days. I guarantee you will walk away with at least one new ah-ha to start applying in your life immediately. Here’s how to schedule a free slot.


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

Get the tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around and I am confident it will do that for you too. Get it here.