Two massive energy drainers (and 4 ?’s to get you out of it!)

Kelly Summersett mindset coach energy

News flash -- you're not supposed to be walking around feeling drained all the time. That's not why you're here.


Here are two massive energy drainers that you absolutely have the power to leave behind. Are you doing one or both?


1. You’re doing too much of the wrong thing

What are you saying yes to? Who are you saying yes to? How many ‘shoulds’ are on your list?


Are regular tasks taking priority over important ones?


When you’re doing too much of the wrong thing that means you’re not doing enough of the right thing. Ask yourself, and take action on, these two questions: 


1. What are you really avoiding by staying so busy? What’s better for your health and well-being in the long run— continuing to avoid or confront?  

2. What are 1-2 things you take off your list right now that feel like shoulds and people-pleasing tasks? 


2. What you’re thinking about what you’re doing needs to shift

Maybe you’re in the right career or relationship but you’re in the habit of looking at all the negatives and everything that annoys you.


Or maybe you habitually stress and anxiety through your ever changing life circumstances while overlooking the fact that you’ve successfully troubleshooted every single one of them to date. 


This is a huge energy suck and, just like #1, you have all the power to do something proactive about it.  Ask yourself, and take action on, these two questions: 


1. How would you rather think and move through your circumstances? Focused on the worst and what’s going to go wrong or focused on what you have the power to do and what is likely to go right? 

 2. What is something that you’re stuck in negative or annoying thinking about? How do you choose to reframe how you think about it this week?

Remember — what you focus on grows, where your energy flows, and what you find evidence for, both positive and negative. 


If you experienced guilt, anxiety, stress, or discomfort of any kind, when you answered those questions, it’s normal.


Your mind (Inner Critic) wants to keep you safe and playing small. She wants you to avoid confrontation and to think you can only move through circumstances from a stressed or anxious stance. 




Do you want this to be normal? Wouldn’t you rather be able to move past these emotions (or not even have them at all) and live your energized and fired-up life?


This is what you learn, practice, and get great at in MindBodySWEAT (and soooooo much more.) by the way. The next small-group class begins in January 2021. Plan now for the intentional future you want to live.


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

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