Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Stuck in ‘OK’ living? Un-catch 22 yourself with this

We ALL get stuck periodically in our lives with all kinds of things like making a healthy habit change, deciding which career direction to take, or even feeling stuck over-thinking the risks of speaking up at work. 


When you don’t understand how your mind operates these stuck patterns make your life uncomfortable yet oftentimes not uncomfortable enough. 


Welcome to ‘OK’ living.


Until that one day. 


That one day you get fed up and decide ‘this is it!’ 


It’s the day you buy that How to stop drinking so much book, or when you call the gym to get their membership rate, or the day you Google ‘Life Coach near me’ to set up a consultation.


You’re uncomfortable enough to take that next step and then bam! Here comes catch 22!


Catch 22 is your Inner Critic.


She says, “whoa! slow down there! There’s no need to make that career decision so quick!” (Even though this has taken up valuable time, energy, and over-thinking space in your head for the past two years.)


Or, “That’s a lot of money to invest in yourself to just waste it since you’ve never succeeded with your habit change goals in the past.” (Ironically it’s because you’ve always listened to your Inner Critic in the past that you’re in a pattern of not trusting yourself to follow-through now.)


And she’s super great at what-ifing you to death. 


“What if you spend the money and it doesn’t work since nothing you’ve ever tried has worked? You better think about this more.”


“What if you go to the gym and you look like an old dumpy has been? You better not go.”


“What if you decide to switch careers and it’s the wrong choice and you fail!? Failing is not an option. You better stay where you are.”



Catch 22 is the devil dressed in angel’s wings. She wants to keep you safe but her brand of safety is anything but.


She twists everything that’s good, healthy, and that gets you to next-level living so you question yourself, stall out and stay stuck.


She gets excited when you go back to bed instead of using that gym membership or when you decide to stick it out just ‘a few more months’ at work because it’s not that bad. And she loves when you believe so little in yourself.


If you’re caught up in catch 22 the first and most important step is awareness! When you’re aware and awake to her B.S. you get to course correct. 


You get to decide how you’re going to show up for this one amazing life so that you’re speaking up, trusting yourself to follow-through on goals, and making clear and confident decisions. Hell yeah! 


Remember — discomfort is an actual and real sign from your higher/Intuitive self telling you that you’re ready to grow. 


Listen. Take action. Learn the right tools. Stay out of catch 22 hell.


If you’re ready to manage your mind and take your mind, body and life to the next level consider jumping into the next MindBodySWEAT class starting next month. If you’re not on the first-to-know list, get there now. 


Even if you decide this class isn’t for you — which you’ll be able to determine with the free trainings and Q&A’s you’ll be invited to — you still benefit because I share a lot of next-level tools during these mini-workshops all for free. Here's how to get on the list.

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