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Having more time, peace, joy, clarity, follow-through, goal-achieving, health, and confidence in your everyday life is normal when you learn the life-shifting tools in MindBodyNOW.

How much time do you spend…

…over-thinking if you’ve done enough to please everyone and then feeling drained when it’s time to take care of yourself? 

Reading self-help books and then stalling out when it’s time to apply the tools to your life? 

Beating yourself up because you know what to do for weight loss yet you’re not doing it consistently?

Judging and shaming what you eat and drink, how often you exercise, and your reflection in the mirror?

Stressing about your lack of time to get everything on your to-do list done?

Worrying about doing your job perfectly yet still feeling like an imposter? 

Being frustrated with people and how they make you feel? 

Feeling unfulfilled in aspects of your life and unclear if you’re even happy?

Distracting yourself with busy work to avoid the important actions you know you need to take? 

If you’re like I used to be, the answer is HOURS. 

Wasted time, energy, and productivity down the drain every week. 

Thank your Inner Critic.

She’s managing these thoughts (and you) and she has no qualms about running you into the ground.

That’s what she did to me years ago and what’s wack? ‘She’s’ not even real! These are just negative and energy-draining thought patterns that create real havoc in our lives.

It doesn’t matter what you want for yourself, it’s not gonna happen when your inner critic is loud,..

Lose weight and get healthier? Nope.

Gain clarity and the guts to go after your big goal? Nope.

Be self-confident and self-trusting to make decisions easily? Nope.

Enjoy an easy and loving relationship? Nope.

Follow through with what's important to you? Nope.

Set and honor boundaries without guilt? Nope.

Live with daily joy, calm, and confidence no matter what’s happening in your life? Nope.

Make more money? Travel more? Work less? Nope. Nope. And nope.

And to give context here, maybe you have seen success in these areas either off and on or by white-knuckling it with the help of willpower, control, anxiety, worry, perfectionism, and negative self-talk but guess what? These ‘helpers’ are ironically all sneaky inner critic tactics!

So, you can allow your inner critic to run the show and “succeed” OR you can learn how to manage your inner critic and develop a healthy and compassionate relationship with yourself and succeed for real and with ease.

Do you know how to deprogram your inner critic so she stops interfering with your one precious life?


In only eight-weeks, MindBodyNOW teaches you how to…


Manage your mind

instead of taking all of those berating, sef-judging, and not enough thoughts at face value (which is the definition of your mind managing you). You learn how to course-correct in the moment for more productive and useful thinking that triples your daily ease, peace, clarity, and confidence,

What’s more? Your productivity soars because your mind is free from the old programming.

Understand your body

instead of staying up in your head overriding its important cues.

Your body is the source of your clarity, decision-making, bold action-taking, confidence, and self-trust.

It’s how you know when to set a boundary, speak up, or play bigger in your life.

Having a compassionate and loving relationship with your body up-levels everything including your health and lasting weight loss..

Be fully present and NOW

because this is everything! Learning how to be now turns you into a stronger leader, a healthier partner, a more creative problem solver, and more efficient and productive no matter what’s hitting the fan on any given day.

You gain hours of peace, productivity, and ease every single week when you know how to reset yourself to now.

These tools up-level your whole life!

“When I started working with Kelly my goal was to have more clarity. The tools that I’ve been introduced to have been life-changing.

Be warned — using the tools is hard work — like you learn to think differently and in more positive ways. The structure of the class, the homework, and the other ladies in the group really helped me to practice being a badass again.

Goal Met 💪

I now have more clarity than ever before. I’ve learned more about myself in these few weeks than I have in a while. Kelly is a great coach!”

Brenda Jean Adamson, Real Estate Developer and Investor

Kelly Summersett

How you were taught to do life isn’t the best way to do it. Not even close.

And I totally relate. I lived with low-level anxiety and a lot of self-imposed pressure about my body and how I managed my life in general for decades. Until I finally crashed.

I was always trying so hard to please, be responsible, pull my weight (without asking for help), measure up to prove my worth, and control everything — my food, workouts, what other people thought of me, my to-do list — you name it. This all made me feel stressed, tired, and ironically out of control.

You know what this does for your self-worth, self-confidence, self-trust, productivity, and happiness? Puts ‘em on empty.

There’s a better way! I live it and I want you to live it with me because even though your inner critic is telling you this is the right way to move through life, your intuitive self is screaming, “No it’s not!” That’s why you feel anxious, drained, uneasy, unclear, unmotivated, stalled-out, and stressed.

MindBodyNOW gives you the people, structure, tools, and environment you need to up-level the relationship you have with your mind, body, and life for good.

The relationship you have with yourself is the longest-standing 24/7 relationship you’ll ever have with anyone ever. It needs to kick ass, Sista!

My  checkboard and Unstuck graphic.png

Clients love this best


Genuine connections with other women who are ready to get to their next levels too


Support and encouragement to take bolder on-target actions they’d normally put off


Accountability — No B.S. — Permanent shifts

My clients say it best

"I learned so much from the other ladies in MindBodyNOW. The Facebook group taught me how to be vulnerable. And vulnerability was keeping me stuck. The ladies embraced me and made me feel secure. They encouraged me to be my best self."

🎧 Listen to these coaching excerpts during week seven. 🎧

Melanie found the love of her life after she learned how to love and have compassion for herself. And she learned to finally be vulnerable and show up for her days with more ease.

When JoBeth learned how to be now and fully present she started practicing healthy boundaries with work, family, and romantic relationships.

Elaine was living in a ‘plexiglass box’ and was afraid to show her authentic self until she learned how to break out which is when her life took off!

You need to take the class to know that you need to take the class. I wish I had known these tools decades ago because they’re so simple you can’t forget them.
— Cheryl Norman, Benefits Specialist,
This class is life-changing because it makes life easier. It felt like alcohol was controlling me and I learned how to have a different relationship with it.
— Kelli Holliday, Professional Councelor

These women are just like you. Smart, go-getter professionals who were ready to get to their next levels of confidence, self-trust, clarity, and ease.


Here’s what to expect each week:


Here’s what you’ll get great at:


Managing your mind means having on-target, productive, and action-producing thinking which replaces your inner critic’s judging, controlling, what-if-ing, energy-draining, and stressful thinking patterns. This alone creates the most powerful and positive shift in all areas of your life.

You learn and practice a proven method that moves you quickly out of any stall-out thought loop no matter how long you’ve been feeding into it.

Tuning into your body so you know what it needs and what it’s telling you helps you develop a compassionate relationship with it instead of always judging it, restricting and controlling what you give it, and overriding its built-in intuitive cues.

You come at your heath (what you eat and drink and how you exercise) from a confident, at-ease, and empowered place and see easier and better results because you learn how to work with instead of against your body!

Trusting yourself to follow-through on and stick with your healthy habits, healthy boundaries, and other life goals that you say are important to you is empowering!

And ironically, lack of self-trust is the #1 stall-out behavior for women. So, trust me (😉) when I tell you that you will up-level your accountability to yourself during this class and this changes everything for you!

Managing your mind, listening to your body’s cues, and trusting yourself to follow through on your healthy habits is the definition of inner and outer confidence baby!

And having it allows you to shine brighter in your relationships, career, and everywhere!

Being now is huge because until you learn how to get out of your head and out of your own way you tend to ‘live’ in the future and play out anxiety-producing negative ‘what-if’ scenarios or you tend to live in the past which is depressing.

Learning to live full-on now is the absolute best way to move through your days because now is the only time it literally ever is to choose more productive and useful thoughts that allow you to take more productive and useful actions.

Your productivity and joy skyrocket and you show up for all circumstances more confident, grounded, and calm no matter what they are.

It’s like upgrading your operating system from 1.0 to 2.0 in only eight-weeks!

There will be free training, life Q&A, and checklists to make your obligation-free decision easy.

I am so much more authentically and confidently ME because of MindBodyNOW.
Before taking the class, I didn’t know how to actually change my thoughts.  Now I see that a thought is just a thought and by tuning out the ones that don’t serve me and tuning in to my body’s cues, I speak up more, take bolder actions in my business, and move my body more because it feels good to take care of it.

These tools have liberated me and is literally life changing  (I don’t use that word lightly.) 
If you’re stuck, struggling with your current self-sabotaging habits, or want better and more fulfilling relationships, (even with yourself), then do yourself a solid, and TAKE THIS CLASS!!  You’ll be amazed at the results that YOU will achieve, and you’ll be SO GLAD YOU DID THIS FOR YOU!!
— Joy Devlin, Owner of Joy of Living, Co.


I can’t afford this class right now. When will you offer it again?
Yes, I’ll offer it again. Bonuses may decrease and price point is likely to increase, however.

If this helps, when I am hesitant about spending money I ask myself serious questions like how much has not getting the help I need costing me? How long has this been an issue for me? A year? Longer? What happens if I’m still stuck in my default life a year from now? 

I’ve tried many self-help tools and I’m skeptical this class will work
I get it. All’s I can say is that lasting shifts happen when I coach people if they’re open to putting in the effort to get to their next level (even if they’re nervous about it).

I help you get to the root of what has kept you stuck which is always some combination of old habits, thinking patterns, and inner critic B.S., and then give you new tools to practice that make it much easier to succeed for good. 

This class and format work so well because you’re doing it with other like-minded women and you’re accountable to yourself, them, and to me to take bolder actions you wouldn’t normally take on your own.

Will I do well in this course?
You will do amazingly well when you feel the fear and go for it anyway! This course is all about raising your consciousness and letting go of outdated thoughts and habits that have kept you stuck and bringing forward new ones that produce more joy, peace, and lasting results.

Who would hate this course?
If you like to complain, make excuses, and blame others or the world for your circumstances this is not the course for you. This course is for women ready to take responsibility for their lives and do what needs to be done to elevate to their next level of awesome!

Time commitment
Besides our time together, plan for an additional 1 1/2 hours (+ or -) for assignments.

Pay in full prior to the start date or choose two equal payments. And, there is no extra charge for the payment options. I accept credit cards through Paypal (4% fee for that option. No fee if you transfer from your checking or savings account), and Venmo.

This is a definite eight-week commitment you make to yourself and to the other women. We’re a fierce community! This is why we set up a quick phone chat to make sure you’re a HELL YES! before the class begins.

I travel and can’t make all the sessions
Many women I coach have this dilemma which is why our weekly calls are recorded and you get to choose when to schedule the 1:1 sessions.

Is this Therapy?
No. I am not a therapist, psychologist, or anyone with a long acronym after their name. I work with women who are ready to move forward and leave their past where it the pas and who want to be even better at life!

I signed up for MindBodyNOW because I was putting too much time in at work, not setting boundaries, and feeling mentally drained. I also felt I’d lost the mind-body connection that provides balance. 

I realized during the class that being a perfectionist was sabotaging my physical and mental health and keeping me from living my life to the fullest. The tools I gained through this class have helped me prioritize myself in a healthier way, both personally and professionally. I’m setting better boundaries, listening to my body, shutting down negative thoughts, and starting to consistently practice the habits I want in my life. 

I’m working to embrace doing my best in everything rather than shooting for perfection, and that’s helped break a lifelong pattern that hasn’t served me well. I’ve had immense personal growth in a short time through MindBodyNOW and believe the new tools I’ve learned can help any woman looking to re-ground herself, find balance, and live happier and healthier.
— Natalie Cook, Manager, Corporate Strategic Communications