Important mind intel that adds ✌️

Last week I shared 13 common scary thought categories (here they are) and asked if you wanted to take a challenge. 


I'm so curious! Did you get curious about your thoughts? What category did you choose? What did you uncover? I'd love to hear from you!


If you took the challenge you probably noticed that your 'scary' thought was accompanied by uncomfortable feelings. You may have even noticed sensations in your body. 

It's common to experience sensations like heaviness, tension, energy drain, stomach ache, or body heat when you think of a scary thought. 

Why? Because your thoughts are always tied to what you feel and how your body responds. It's how you, me, and everyone is wired. 


This is important mind intel! 

When you're feeling tension...what are you thinking? 
When you're experiencing tightness in your chest...what are you thinking? 

I bet it's not, "Ahhhh, I love my life and my day and everything is so fun and easy." ;) 

My point...You get to change your narrative. You get to choose a more productive and useful thought. You get to create a different reaction in your body. 

New Challenge! 


Go back to the category you chose to focus on and challenge yourself to think of a new way to think about it that feels a smidge better or even more neutral in your body. 

Here's an example: 


Scary thought category: Stress/worry/anxiety thoughts

Specific thought: I hate when we fight! I never feel heard or understood. I'm worried about the future of our relationship. 

Feeling: Stressed and anxious

Body experience: Upset stomach


New thought: It takes two people to fight and I will learn how to talk calmly so that I can be heard and understood because I love him and our relationship.

New feeling: More peace


New body experience: Neutral to a slight warmth in my heart

This new, and more useful and productive, thought helps you to take small actions that leads to your better result.

OK! Your turn! 


The best way to get better at this? Come to this month's masterclass! 


You learn how to manage your mind AND you help Be the Change Youth Initiative at the same time because I am donating $15 to them for every woman who shows up and participates this month. Help me spend my money!

Do you have my ONE mindset shift tool yet? If not, whatcha waiting for? You want to learn how to manage your mind more effectively, right? You’ll also be the first to know about upcoming free masterclasses. Grab the tool here.

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