Are you still thinking this cave person thought? Challenge!

We humans have been conditioned to focus on what we don’t want because, well, the cave person days and survival.


Cave person you: I don’t want to die by eating the wrong mushroom…or a bear…or by not having enough wood to stay warm…or by not having shelter.


And by no means is this a news flash but…we’re not cave people anymore!


Yet, we’re still programmed to go negative and this keeps that low, constant, and normalized hum of discomfort, AKA stress, and anxiety, alive and well in our bodies. Not good.

We’re great at adapting to it too and create workarounds to counter this discomfort. Best case? We do good-for-us things like yoga, walking in nature, and meditation. Worse case? We drink, sleep, stay busy, or numb out with TV.


What if you could bypass the workarounds and get to the root of this discomfort stat


You can! What I’m about to share with you is literally life-changing….

Focus on what you DO want.

Fact: Your input (thoughts) correspond with your output and results. 100% of the time. 


Also fact: You get to choose your input. You get to take your mind off autopilot and challenge it to come up with alternative solutions and ideas.

Here’s my challenge to you this week: 


  1. Start catching yourself in the moment every time you start to think about what you DON’T want or how you DON’T want something to go. 

  2. Notice how it feels to think that. Does your energy go up or down? Do you feel more or less anxiety or stress when you think about it this way? 

  3. Reframe! What DO you want? How DO you want this to go? How DO you want to be in the face of this circumstance? 

  4. Notice how it feels to focus on what you DO want. Do you feel a little better? A little lighter? Where’s your energy level? Do you feel a bit more apt to take a small action in the right direction? 


And about those good-for-us workarounds? When we learn how to manage our minds (the input) they move away from being workarounds and turn into things we do with more ease and joy because they simply feel great to do. 


I have a 1:1 slot open for someone who’s tired of workarounds, low-level (or high-level) anxiety and stress, overthinking, and stalling out. The tools I teach (that you get great at practicing) give you at least 5-10 more hours of joy, ease, productivity, and clarity every week. Why? Because you learn how to stay now, manage your mind, and have a great relationship with your body. Game changers. Schedule a free and no-obligation consult. 


Get out there and focus on what you DO want today!