A quick and cool experiment for ya!

What can't you believe that you used to believe?


I’ll start.


I can’t believe that I used to believe…


I looked fat.


I wasn’t funny or important.


Having a happy life was for other people, not me.


Moving through life stressed, busy, and anxious was totally normal.

I couldn't find a soul mate. 


Controlling my circumstances was how to feel in control.


I needed to put others first and my needs last.


And those are just off the top of my head. 

I used to think those thoughts were absolute and indisputable FACTS.


Hallelujah that I don’t believe those things any longer! 


What changed? My relationship with myself. I opened my mind to seeing and practicing more useful ways of thinking, being, and actioning.


And here’s something profound: What do I still believe today that one day would be cool to no longer believe!?


I still believe that…


I can’t make 1,000,000 in a year.


I can’t run an ultra.


I can’t learn and speak a new language fluently.


What will need to change for me to make these a reality? ME! I would need to shift out of old and limited beliefs and take regular small actions that get me where I want to go if I decide I want any of these things. 


You, me, your neighbor, the stranger you pass on the street today…we’re all designed the same! What we can believe and have in our lives is infinite! 


The only thing limiting us is our minds. Our minds are always spinning believable lies (that feel like absolute facts) to keep us safe from failure or judgment. 


And it’s our responsibility as the smart adults we are to step into our power to manage our minds and our thoughts instead of the other way around. 

OK, now it’s your turn: 


What can't you believe that you used to believe?

What thoughts and actions shifted that moved you out of that belief?

What do you still believe today that would be cool to no longer believe!?


What’s a thought you need to shift? What’s a regular small action you take?


If you want help with this, reach out. That’s why smart people hire coaches you know -- to help people see their blind spots and provide tools and accountability to move them into the life they have a hard time believing in yet.

Get out of your head!

Download the free tool I use. It’s my go-to and it works quickly to get me out of my head so I can take useful and productive actions that make me feel lighter, empowered, and clear.