Riddle: This is invisible and wastes SO much of your energy and time

what you don't know you don't know. Kelly Summersett

Apparently, I’m on a riddle kick right now. 


Here’s a riddle from last week: 


What are the two words we say that really mean the opposite?


Here's the 3-minute video answer :) 



So, back to this week...what do you think?


What wastes SOOOOO much of your energy and time yet it’s invisible? 



Give up? 


Your Inner Critic. 


And the craziest thing? She’s not even real. She just feels real because no matter what thoughts you choose to think, you feel them. 


So if your Inner Critic is running the show (which is the case for the vast majority of people who take their thoughts at face value) you’re setting yourself up to be tired, drained, moody, stressed, and unproductive.


What are Inner Critic thoughts? Any repetitive thoughts that make you feel bad about yourself and keep you over-thinking and stalled out from doing what you know would be in your best interest. 


And oftentimes your Inner Critic thoughts act as that constant kick-in-the-ass you (think you) need to push yourself harder to achieve. 


Here are just a few examples:


I’m not doing enough. Even though you’re tired from doing SO much for everyone.


I’m not good enough. You compare yourself to others and set a high and often unrealistic standard for yourself.


I’m too ____ and I need to try harder. You use negative motivation and beat yourself up to keep that fire lit because your Inner Critic says that’s the best way to succeed.


I need to do it perfectly because failure is not an option. Your Inner Critic tells you a believable lie that failure is bad. Perfectionists tend to white-knuckle it to succeed at all costs or they don’t start at all if they think they won’t.


I don’t want to be judged or shamed.  Your Inner Critic always wants you to be seen by others in the best light yet that often means you have to dim your own light and quiet your voice. We tend to spin this as being selfless yet it just results in being less-self.


What happens when your Inner Critic thoughts are running the show? 


You get to live with a constant low (or high) level of stress, worry, and anxiety and your energy depletes.


What happens when you learn how to manage your mind? 


Productivity, joy, happiness, inner-peace, and confidence shoot through the roof! And you know what else? You show up for yourself present and relaxed. 


The invite-only training I’ve got coming up this Thursday, Setting Yourself up to Thrive in 2021, is only for women who are curious about what living without their Inner Critic would feel like and how to counter her incessant banter in the moment.



You will learn…


  • About the five stall-out behaviors. If you’re not thriving, or even if you are (with a lot of stress, anxiety, and worry), chances are great that you’re practicing one or more of them


  • How to quickly identify when you’re doing them


  • Specific action-taking tools to practice in the moment so thriving (without stress, anxiety, and worry) becomes the natural way you show up for yourself and what’s important to you


  • And there will be time for Q&A



This is exclusive content I teach in my MindBodySWEAT class and I’m offering it up on this one-time basis to you. Complementary.


Why? Because I want you to benefit from it, and you will. 


And full transparency — I want you to experience what the class is like so that you can choose for yourself if you ever want to take it…or not.


I’m limiting training registration to women who are serious about kicking their Inner Critics to the curb. 


Are you ready to start showing up more confidently for yourself and thriving through 2021?


If so, simply click here with your reply and I'll email you the Zoom invite by Wednesday. The Zoom will be recorded with a 24-hour playback. 


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

When you sign up, you get the go-to tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around so you’re present and empowered to take targeted action. Get it here.