Self-conscious about dancing in public? Why you shouldn't be!

Dance-like-no-one-is-watching- Kelly Summersett

I am the [self-proclaimed] polka dancing queen!


Every year during Octoberfest season it’s my mission to get people on the dance floor to teach them how to polka dance (a lost art!) which, I might add, only takes one minute because the dance is so easy to learn :) 


I get a few takers here and there but the vast majority of people I ask flat-out refuse. And sure I get it, I’m a stranger but regardless, it’s amazing to me how few people ever venture out onto the dance floor. Not just during Octoberfest season but at weddings and parties too. 


Here’s what I hear:


I can’t dance!

I don’t dance

I’m not coordinated

I can only dance after I’ve had a lot to drink


If this resonates with you, and you secretly wish you could let loose on the dance floor (without alcohol), here’s the scoop:


You can! You know how? Stop listening to your Inner Critic!


I made up this acrostic poem about Inner Critic a while back.


I  Insistent 

N Negative

N Not real

E Energy Draining

R Ridiculous


C Childish

R Redundant 

I  Irrational

T Tumultuous 

I  Imaginary

C Constant Judge


She’s the #1 reason you feel self-conscious and worried about what people think.


The next time you have an opportunity to dance focus on these three realities vs. your Inner Critic: 


1. When you’re having fun on the dance floor, coordinated or not, people are envious. They secretly wish they could be as bold as you.

2. People aren’t judging or thinking about you one bit. Tis true. Everyone is too busy thinking about themselves.

3. Even if you suspect someone's judging you, so what?! This only shows their level of maturity so why on earth would you value this person's opinion?

If you’re ever given the opportunity to dance. Dance! 


Show your Inner Critic that you absolutely know how to own it on the dance floor! In all actuality 'she's' the only one watching you anyway and she isn't even real ;)


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!


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