Case Study –– Stressed out woman couldn't lose weight

This delightful woman came to me because she wanted to lose weight and tone up and had not been successful on her own in years. She had been looking for work for over a year without success and she was in a stagnate relationship.

She was scared to pull the trigger on coaching since she hadn’t been working and didn’t think she could afford it. Guess what happened? Literally the day we started coaching she was offered and accepted her dream job. A job that they created just for her because they were so impressed by her abilities. This is actually pretty common — when you show the Universe you’re ready to play bigger and take action on your life, it rewards you.

When she started with me she was good at beating herself up and second guessing her abilities. She was stressed out about this new job, getting back into shape and worried if she could measure up and succeed. It was draining her time, energy and self-esteem and also encouraging her to cope in negative ways (food). 

We focused first on helping her take back her power over her life. She became aware of her stuck patterns and learned new tools that gave her courage and confidence to effectively speak up and use her voice to convey her needs. Practicing this on a regular basis opened up better communication with her partner and as a result, her health journey picked up steam. 

She started making herself a priority (for the first time ever) and committing time for regular workouts and to do things she wanted to do (she started filling herself back up!) This gave her the motivation to start making healthier food choices. 

She lost the weight, toned up and continued her wellness journey after our time together. More importantly, she learned how to up-level her relationship with herself which helped her strengthen the one with her partner and gave her confidence at work to own it!

This client worked with me for three months.

Contact me for a free informational session.

Kelly Summersett