Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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This micro shift adds 70 minutes of productivity to your week

This may sound trite but I promise, it's profound:

Ten minutes of doing something is more productive than 10 minutes of thinking about doing something.


Don't let thinking keep you from doing this week.


What is one task you put off because of all the thinking you do about it? 

Ten minute it today. Ten minute it tomorrow. 

By the end of the week you have 70 minutes of progress vs 70 minutes of thinking about making progress.


This is The Power of Smalls philosophy. It's always the small actions you take consistently that add up to big and last lasting results. 

Yet what do we tend to do? Make things a big deal. And all that does is overwhelm your brain so that you don't end up doing anything. 


Soooo..create a ten minute day, {{ subscriber.first_name | capitalize }}!

(Want my last 1:1 spot?) 


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