Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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How costly IS hiring a health coach?

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I’ve got one for you today about the cost of hiring a health coach.

If you’ve ever thought you can’t afford one yet you can’t seem to stick with your healthy habits, this one’s for you.

Martha has extra cash in her pocket from her birthday and she’s all about spending it.

She wants to lose 30 pounds and thinks of using it to purchase a series of Bone Shrinking Wraps and a new vegan energy supplement that tastes like chicken. 

She’s frustrated because despite two years' worth of efforts, instead of losing weight she’s put on an additional ten pounds. 

Her friend suggests that she hire a health coach and explains to Martha the long-term benefits and the positive lifestyle transformations she’ll see.

 Martha screams, “But I can’t afford coaching!” 

And then, from out of nowhere, Life and Health Coach Kelly Summersett leaps in front of Martha and, with hands-on her hips and a big grin, bellows with authority, “Au contraire!”

Kelly asks Martha to list the steps she’s taken so far to achieve her weight loss goal.

Kelly finds out that during the past two years Martha has spent an estimated $1,366 on her (weight gain) efforts and this is the breakdown:

$ 100 Slim-Fast Shakes — January's nightly dinner 

$ 200 Consume Your Cauliflower! delivery — pills, flour, pizza crust, and ice-cream

 $   85 Ab Lounger…for her cat

$ 200 For that amazing Gazelle contraption

$   20 To Shake the incredibly phallic Weight 

$ 576 One-year YMCA membership…er… donation

$   25  Scrub that Weight Off by Dr. Brillo

$   20  The Toe Nail Diet WORKS! by Billy Fungus

$ 140  Buns of Steel: Limited TITANIUM Edition 

Martha spent $1,366 to lose weight and she gained 10 pounds. That doesn’t add up! I realize Martha is a fictional character for the benefit of my story but is she really? I hear these real-life stories all the time. 

A quote from one of my successful clients: “Hiring you is the best money I’ve ever spent.”

This same successful client, who came to me as a ‘last resort’, continually reaches new fitness milestones, understands the root of why they never had lasting success in the past, and most importantly, knows how to practice the right tools that keep them moving forward.

The right coach teaches you HOW to self-motivate, HOW to achieve success, and HOW to sustain your improved lifestyle without willpower, gimmicks, or control.

It’s a temporary partnership that yields lifetime results. 



Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

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