Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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How Critical is Your Inner Critic Situation? Take this quiz

I haven’t done a quiz in a minute so let’s dig in with the topic that gets my heart and soul fired up — Inner Critic.


You know, that ghost voice that yammers on and on…


…making you second-guess if you did enough for your friends and family this week


…telling you that you’ll never succeed with the Paleo diet since you’ve always failed at sticking with anything health-related


…about the hundred negative what-ifs that are blocking you from taking action on your dream to start your own travel guide business


Three things I know about your Inner Critic:


1. She robs you from giving time and attention to your Intuitive voice, the voice you can trust and that moves you into next-level living

2. She's simply old patterns of thinking designed for you to stay stuck and ‘safe’

3. Left un-managed, she destroys your relationships, bigger dreams, and health


So how critical is your Inner Critic situation? 


Answer these yes and no questions and find out:


1. I lay awake over-thinking and what-ifing one or more times each week


2. At the end of most days I feel great and at ease about what I accomplished 


3. I spend more than ten minutes a week beating myself up for things I should have done, said, or achieved 


4. I often compare myself to others and end up never feeling enough


5. I am present and relaxed with life’s daily ups and downs at least four days a week and rarely use words like busy, stressed, worried, and overwhelmed


You are managing your Inner Critic like a champ if you answered:

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. No

  4. No

  5. Yes


Bravo! You’ve done your inner work and it shows! 



You’re Inner Critic situation is critical if you answered: 

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes

  4. Yes

  5. No


The bright side? You absolutely have all the power to change that! 


From someone who had one of the loudest critical critics maybe of all time, I know it’s possible and it doesn’t even take nearly as long as you may think.


Did you know? 


So many studies show that people who effectively manage their minds/Inner Critics (vs their minds running them into the ground) have…


Improved immune systems and better health because they’re not so stressed (what we think impacts how we feel and the actions we take or don’t take)


More financial wealth because they have more self-confidence to go after promotions or entrepreneurial routes


Fulfilling and happy long-term relationships because they have a fulfilling and happy relationship with themselves


Restful sleep because they’re better stewards of their thoughts and how to manage them


More freedom to live life full-on because they’re not caught up what-ifing, comparing, or giving a shit what people think about what they’re doing


If you’re ready to manage your mind and take your life, health, and happiness to the next level consider jumping into the next Next Level You class that’s forming now. If you’re not on the first-to-know list, get there now. 


Even if you decide this class isn’t for you — which you’ll be able to determine with the free trainings and Q&A’s you’ll be invited to — you still benefit because I share a lot of next-level tools during these mini-workshops all for free. Here's how to get on the list.


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

Get the tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around and I am confident it will do that for you too. Get it here.