Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Ever feel like you're stuck in Groundhog Day?

Groundhog Day is near! Do you love the movie (and day!) as much as me? I haven't done it in a minute but I used to throw super fun Groundhog Day gatherings complete with groundhog games :)  


This movie is a strong metaphor for life and highlights one of my favorite philosophies: 


What you focus on grows, where your energy flows, and what you find evidence for in your life. 


Bill Murray gets stuck repeating Groundhog Day and he hates it. He hates the people, the town, and his work. 


He finally decides to change his focus from negative to positive since he’s ‘stuck’ in February 2nd anyway and it suddenly transforms how he sees the people, town, and his work. 


The only thing that changes? His thoughts and focus about the situation. 




When you focus on the bad, the have-to’s, or how hard something's going to be it drains your energy and encourages your mind to find even more negative supporting evidence to back up those thoughts.


When you decide to change it up and focus on what’s going right, what you get to do, and how you're going to stay present and simply do your best, your energy increases and you find even more positive supporting evidence to back up those thoughts.


And that, my friend, is how Bill was able to wake one morning to February 3rd, the next glorious day of his happy and rewarding life! 


Happy Groundhog Day week! Remember to put your focus on:


  • Thoughts that raise your energy

  • What’s going to go right

  • What you have the power to do your best at

  • Productive actions! 



What you focus on grows, where your energy flows, and what you find evidence for in your life.


If you find yourself in Groundhog Day patterns, learning how to get out of your own way with science-backed tools is the solution. 


Fun fact! Women report a 50% + daily productivity gain when they learn the tools because they're no longer stuck up in their heads over-thinking and stalling out on what's important to them. 


Not sure if I can help? Check out my 'here's how I help clients' list and see if your situation is listed. Or schedule a free consult. 

Life's too short to be stuck in Groundhog Day! 

Get out of your head quickly!

Grab the go-to tool I use. Get this free and immediate download and start applying it to your life now.