My Daughter's Mental And Physical Adventure. Relate?

Taos ski valley

We went to visit my daughter, Kennedy, this past weekend out in Taos Ski Valley, NM. She’s a ski instructor for kids there and loves it!

Rewind back a few months.

Kennedy was filled with angst about making the decision to go. Should she stay here with her friends and family or forge out on her own into uncharted territory to honor her adventurous spirit. 

When we’d ask her back then what she was going to decide she would never know. She’d justify all the reasons it would make sense to stay here and then in the next breath be super excited and animated when she talked about going out west. 

You can tell A LOT about someone by their body language and energy and we made sure we pointed that out to her. 

When she talked about staying, her demeanor was measured and flat and her mind was in full-blown ‘logic’ mode. 

When she talked about going, her energy surged, her face lit up, she talked faster and with more animation, and her body loosened up. It was her intuition not her ‘logical’ mind speaking through her.

Your body never lies and your intuition talks through your body. Cool, huh!?

Your intuitive self doesn’t use mind ‘logic’ and in fact only roughly 5% of what you do every day is based on logic. 

Your intuitive self, the 95% that isn’t logical, doesn’t use words to communicate. It uses your body, behaviors and emotions. If you ever listen to our podcast, It's a Brain Changer, Darlene and I always refer to this non-logical part as 'donkey mind' because it literally functions on the level of a donkey. 

I’m so glad Kennedy listened to her intuitive self/donkey mind because it was screaming at her to go! She absolutely loves it out there, has met great friends, and is shredding that mountain!  

Do you ever find yourself going back and forth when you’re trying to make a decision? Ever stall out and avoid making the decision all together because it’s a hassle and staying where you are (comfortable) feels easier? 

Darlene Mew and I (It’s a Brain Changer) created a very useful (and free)Under-Thinking Course that helps you make all kinds of decisions (big and small) quickly and intuitively by ‘listening’ to your body/donkey mind/intuitive self.

This free download includes four short instructional videos and three valuable worksheets that help you practice ‘checking in’ with your body and give you the right logical questions to ask (yes, it's important to usesome logic, just not all logic :))

We’d love for you to download it. 

We’re also finishing up a free guide that teaches you about the three vital signals your donkey mind uses to get your attention. These are important to know because they save you from stress, getting sick, being unproductive, and so much more. When you download the free Under-Thinking Course you’ll get this guide automatically as soon as it’s complete. 

How’s your relationship with yourself?

Did you know that most high-achieving women are in horrible relationships with themselves without even realizing it. And it gets in the way of *everything.

Are you one of them?

*romantic/all relationships — habit change — body image — career satisfaction — financial abundance — self-trust — decision making — inner-confidence — follow-through — clarity — daily joy — authenticity — focus — freedom — stress and anxiety resiliency — boundaries — productivity. And if I missed anything, add it in ;)

Take this 48-second quiz to to find out!
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