A nasty conversation with your cockroach (Inner Critic)

put passion into everything

Conversations with yourself can be easy or difficult depending on who you’re listening to, your higher self, or your inner critic.


What time is it? 


Look again. What time is it? 


What time will it be five hours from now? 


When can I be happy?


When can I have passion for whatever I’m doing? 


When’s the best time to take action on my dream?



What time is it? 

10 am and you have so much to do! You’ll never get it done. There’s never enough time! You better work faster.

When can I be happy? 

You can be happy when you get your 99-item to-do list done [and why didn't you make it an even 100? Slacker], everyone is taken care of, and you cure cancer.

When can I have passion for whatever I’m doing?

Hmmmm, let's see...never? Having passion now in a job you’re not super satisfied with is crazy, reserve it for when you get your big break. And hello! Passion for doing the dishes? You need to be super negative about menial tasks -- duh.

When’s the best time to take action? 

After you’ve weighed all the pros and cons, gotten everything in order, and overthinking it all to death. By then you'll be too tired to take action and I'm sure you'll reach for a glass of wine and continue riding out your pathetic, under-achieving life.

Inner critic never needs to be in charge. She is a false voice that stalls you out, puts strict parameters on happiness and passion, and keeps you stressed and feeling like you never measure up. 

Your inner critic is a dirty cockroach that stays alive when you feed it.

Starve it! And start feeding your higher self -- the beautiful, smart, and wise person you actually are who knows how to take action and be happy and passionate now -- the only time it ever is. 


1) Feed all your nows, which are going to happen regardless, with happiness, passion, and action

2) Be aware of your cockroach and tell her to hit the road when she starts infesting your head

3) Watch your life take off!

Weigh in below and let me know about your successes and what you discover -- I'd love to know!

How’s your self-relationship? Take the 48-second quiz to find out. And get straightforward solutions for three festering inner critic areas.