Three Profound Groundhog Day Life Lessons

Einstein and insanity

Groundhog Day was Friday and it's one of my holiday faves!

Have you seen the movie? It’s a classic (according to me)!  And a very strong metaphor for life as it turns out. 

Bill Murray has a bad attitude and is full of himself.  Me, me, me. What does the world owe ME? Poor me, I have to cover the Groundhog Day story. I have to stay in this cute Bed and Breakfast. Whaaa!  I have to get along with my co-workers who are nice and helpful. Boooohoooo! Why does bad stuff always happen to me?! How did I deserve this?! Great. I’m stuck in Groundhog Day! 

I have never officially counted how long he stays stuck but what I do know is that he doesn’t get unstuck until he frees up his mind to start thinking better thoughts about life. 

At first he takes advantage of this new ‘power’ by attempting to control people around him. Two thumbs up for his creative scheme to have his way with Nancy Taylor ;) He then experiments with law-breaking and reckless activities.  Flapjacks anyone? 

He begins to notice the town and its people in a new light. He also sees his choices bring him temporary gratifications yet still do not fill his heart with anything of value. He finally resolves to the fact that since he is indeed stuck in Groundhog Day, and has exhausted all other efforts, he might as well give up trying to control his course, use his ‘power’ for good, and ultimately change his thoughts about the situation. 

Bill starts helping people in the town – giving money and food to the poor, surprising a young newlywed couple with Monster Truck tickets, and helping little old ladies who cannot help themselves. He also starts living! He learns piano, takes up ice sculpting, and replaces the sarcasm in his weather forecasting monologue with funny and inspirational information.   He becomes a pillar in Punxsutawney, PA simply by being a nice and caring person who lives a healthy, rewarding, and productive life! 

Nothing changed in the town or the people in it. However, it was only after he changed his thoughts that the town truly transformed in his eyes.  

And that, my friends, is how he was able to wake one morning to February 3rd (February 5th in our case), the next glorious day of his happy and rewarding life! 

Here's three profound Groundhog Day life lessons:

1. You literally have the power to wake up on any given day and choose to focus on different thoughts and experience a different world.

2. You're stuck here, living life and you choose to be miserable or happy in it. The effort is the same. The outcome is very different.

3. Figuring out what makes you come alive and then going out and doing it positively impacts you and all of the people you touch with your gifts. 

If you’re stuck in Groundhog Day and want out, let's chat. I have one one-on-one slot open that will change your everything.