Regain passion for your work

Riverbend is an eight day music festival here in Chattanooga and a few years back we decided to do the full experience. Whew! It was a lot of music, dancing, and beer for one week!

Eight days of music gave me ample time to grasp a solid truth:

Performers love what they do. It’s their soul and passion.

You see it when their faces light up as they sing and you feel it when they play amazing riffs on their instruments.

Some people were just born with passion to perform, be athletes, artists, etc. and that’s a pretty straight-forward route.

What about the rest of us? The majority of us who didn’t know from a young age what we were passionate about? 

Hell, maybe you’re still trying to figure it out.

Maybe there was a time you were passionate about your career but it fizzled out, or maybe you’ve never been passionate about it. Perhaps your life has gotten so out of whack that it’s hard for you to even know the difference.

Where do you fall? Here’s some ideas that help you bring back your passion!

You know you’re in the wrong career but are afraid to take the leap and follow your passion:

Snap out of it! Fear is a useless emotion that keeps you stuck and stressed.

Start small and consider doing your passion part-time or jump off the ledge and go for it! That’s an option you know :)

Download and do the exercises in my free E-Course The Gutsy Guide to Your Authentic Freedom.

People who are passionate about their careers are hands-down happier, healthier, and wealthier (and sometimes ‘wealthy” means so much more than just $$.) I know, I’ve been on both sides.

You like your career but feel stagnant:

Re-adjusting your mindset about it might be all you need to do. What are you taking for granted or complaining about? What can you do instead?

How can you re-think your purpose? Many people forget that every job –– big or small –– serves a very valuable purpose. Reconnect to what that is.

Are you afraid to speak up about a bigger opportunity? What’s that costing you? 

Sometimes mentoring someone else will help you re-establish your own passion. Do that!

You’re not sure what your passion is but you know what you’re doing now isn’t it:

Start dreaming! And start taking small positive action steps that move you closer to finding it.

  • Research careers that interest you
  • Do you need additional training? Get it!
  • Do you need work experience? Find out how you can volunteer or shadow someone a few hours a week
  • Download my free E-Course The Gutsy Guide to Your Authentic Freedom and do the assignments. They help you gain clarity on what has heart for you and gives you the guts to start doing something about it!

Even though most of us weren’t born to be Rock Stars in the literal sense we certainly all have the ability and responsibility to cultivate that same rock star passion in whatever we choose to do. Life’s too short to live it any other way.

Rock on bad ass!


Kelly Summersett